Ensuring Language Access Outside the Courtroom


The Language Access Basic Training Suite is a collaborative project funded by the State Justice Institute and supported by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and the Language Access Advisory Committee of the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA)

Project Management

New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts

Arthur W. Pepin, Director
Pamela Sánchez, Statewide Program Manager, Language Access Services
Paula Couselo, Director, New Mexico Center for Language Access

Project Consultants

William Burrell, Federally Certified Spanish Court Interpreter, New York
Yuliya Fedasenka, Certified Russian Court Interpreter, Colorado
Sue Gradisar, Media Designs, Inc., New Mexico
Marco Hanson, Certified Spanish Court Interpreter, Texas
Alexander Smith, Technical Architect, New Mexico

Project Advisory Group

Brenda Aiken, AK
Brooke Bogue, NC
Katie Bond, TX
Carmel Capati, WI
Brenda Carrasquillo, NJ
Sheryl Connolly, NE
Christine Johnson, AK
Laura Klaversma, NCSC
Emy Lopez, CO
Carol Mitchell, AZ
Konstantina Vagenas, NCSC
Janice Walker, NE

Special Appreciation to the following courts and staff for their support
For the Fundamentals Module

Second Judicial District Court, Albuquerque, New Mexico
First Judicial District Court, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe Magistrate Court, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Particular thanks to participant interviewees

Brenda Aiken, Language Services Coordinator, Alaska Court System
Lioudmila Alexeenko, Certified Russian Court Interpreter, New Mexico
Mohamed Ali, Ph.D., University of New Mexico, N.M. Certified Arabic Interpreter
Melanie Deleon-Benham, Certification & Training Coordinator, Court Interpreter Services, OR Judicial Dept.
Brooke Bogue, Manager, Office of Language Access Services, North Carolina AOC
Peggy Cadwell, Certified Spanish Court Interpreter, Language Access Coordinator, New Mexico
Carmel Capati, Wisconsin Court Interpreter Program Manager
Sheryl Connolly, Trial Court Services Director, Nebraska Administrative Office of the Courts
Alejandra Donath, Program Manager, Interpreter & Translator Services, State of Connecticut Judicial Branch
Patricia Griffin, Delaware State Court Administrator
Corina Gutierrez, Service Coordinator, New Mexico Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Person
Torri Jacobus, Director, Center for Self Help & Dispute Resolution, Second Judicial District Court, NM
Alisa Lauer, General Counsel, First Judicial District Court, New Mexico
Emy Lopez, Language Access Administrator, Colorado Judicial Department
Celia Ludi, Esq., Court Constituent Services Director, First Judicial District Court, NM
Stacey Marz, Director, Family Law Self-Help Center, Alaska Court System
Jonathan Mattiello, Executive Director, State Justice Institute
Carol Mitchell, Court Access Specialist, Arizona AOC
Blanche Raymond-Charles, Certified Navajo Court Interpreter, New Mexico
Aimee Rivera, CI, CT, Signed Language and Remote Interpreting Services Coordinator, NM AOC
Rachel Sandoval, Program Manager, Pre-Trial Services, Second Judicial District Court, NM
Debi Tulang-DeSilva, Program Director, Hawaii State Judiciary, Office on Equality & Access to the Courts
Eric T. Washington, Chief Justice, United States Court of Appeals
Camille T. Wiggins, Director of Legal Personnel & Diversity, Ice Miller, LLP, Indianapolis, Indiana

Version 2013-2018

Produced by

MediaDesigns, Inc.
Sue Gradisar, Ed.D.
Nicole Bunselmeyer, M.Ed.
Sitara Harvey-Cook, Ed.M.
Barak Naggan
Brad Stoddard

[Proprietary, copyrighted software template, provided courtesy of MediaDesigns, Inc.]

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Ensuring Language Access Outside the Courtroom